It comes and goes, it never stays put… and you only have a few seconds to seize your chance. It is unpredictable and appears when you least expect it, but if you decide to seize it, anything is possible. “”A chance came up, I seized it.”” Mademoiselle Chanel knew that her real chance was the one of her own creation, a state of mind, a way of being.
This fabulous keepsake is inspired by the advertising film directed by Jean-Paul Goude, the CHANCE EAU TENDRE music box offers a dynamic encounter with chance, in the form of a mobile theatre.
True pink sets the tone for this limited-edition item, creating an aesthetic that revolves around a pastel palette. Dancers rotate around CHANCE EAU TENDRE to the beat of the film’s energetic score.
Each embossed cardboard box is handcrafted and the figurines are individually painted. A collectible keepsake.
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